The Mind - Emotional Heart

The mind that thinks our thoughts is a pretty special place. But is it distinct from the brain or the heart?

How do negative emotions affect heart health?

Although scientists debate whether emotions start in the brain, heart or from physical sensations elsewhere in the body, it’s clear through magnetic imaging technology that it’s the brain’s task to process and regulate emotions. 

Psychologists once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain alone. We now know this is not true — emotions have as much to do with the heart and body as they do with the brain.

Of the bodily organs, the heart plays a particularly important role in our emotional experience—the experience of an emotion results from the brain, heart and body acting in concert.

The heart’s more than a pump — it sends messages to the brain.

Recent HeartMath studies define a critical link between the heart and the brain. The heart is in a constant two-way dialogue with the brain — our emotions change the signals the brain sends to the heart, and the heart responds in complex ways. However, we now know that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

This research explains how the heart responds to emotional and mental reactions and why certain emotions stress the body and drain our energy. As we experience anger, frustration, anxiety and insecurity, our heart rhythm patterns become more erratic. These erratic patterns are sent to the emotional centres in the brain, which it recognizes as negative or stressful feelings. These signals create the emotions we experience in the heart and body. The erratic heart rhythms also block our ability to think clearly.

The heart is a multilayered, complex organ, possessing intelligence, memory and decision-making abilities independent from the mind.” 

Mimi Guarneri, from the book: The Heart Speaks 

Therefore to release those thoughts or worries that plague the mind we need to be able to connect back to the “heart” in order for us to find the ability to transfer/change the emotions like anger, frustration and anxiety.  When we can tap into our own heart space, we are activating emotions of love and appreciation and creating an electromagnetic field that will begin to attract events, circumstances, and people that will help you with manifesting your heart’s desires.

I believe the heart is the bridge between the physical and spiritual. It is pivotal to “open the heart” to understand your spiritual path, to find that “authentic self” and to feel connected so you can release the emotions/thoughts that do not serve you!

Connection of the heart and mind provides overall mental health and quality of life.

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